On Monday 16 February 2004 18:40, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I agree. I suppose that after lunch (I have a business lunch meeting
> for which I must soon leave) I can read up on pstools and see if they can
> help me. I know all about imagemagick and GIMP for bit-mapped graphics
> manipulation; as a matter of fact, I used 'convert' to go from ps to eps.
> But, it does not display well at all.
>   I also have a tarball with the original page (.ps) and the cropped page
> (.png). File size is 238K so I won't post to the entire mail list.

  If you have the original file in ps or pdf you can use ps2ascii or 
pdftotext to recover the data. I'm using fedora 1, ps2ascii comes with 
ghostscript and pdftotext within the xpdf packages.

  Then having the data in text format you can insert it directly inside a 
table as you know its dimensions in advance.

  I hope this helps,

> Thanks,
> Rich

José Abílio

LyX and docbook, a perfect match. :-)

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