Matej Cepl wrote:

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On Friday 23 of January 2004 09:36, Matthew Engelbert wrote:

Warning: pdflatex (file cmr6): Font cmr6 at 600 not found
Warning: pdflatex (file cmmi8): Font cmmi8 at 600 not found
Warning: pdflatex (file cmsy8): Font cmsy8 at 600 not found
Warning: pdflatex (file cmr12): Font cmr12 at 600 not found
Warning: pdflatex (file cmr8): Font cmr8 at 600 not found
Warning: pdflatex (file cmmi12): Font cmmi12 at 600 not found

Your problem is that standard tetex without any additional tweaking does not contain Type1 fonts for T1 encoding (T1 != Type1). The things you can do are:

a) Go to /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config (as a root) and in the file updmap (if it is there) uncomment line saying type1_default=true and comment out type1_default=false.
Then there are two possible ways:
1) export your document to LaTeX and remove \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} line from .tex file and if you have non-ASCII characters in your file, then plain pdflatex filename should work.
2) Switch fonts in Layout/Document/Layout/Font & size to ae and run View/PDF again.
b) Install CM-Super Type1 fonts (be aware, that it is huge 70MB+ monster), which includes everything what you need. They should be newer versions of tetex (2+).
c) There is a one other set of Type1 T1 fonts, which I forgot how they are called (LatinCM?).

BTW, this is MFAQ (The Most Frequently Asked Question).


- -- Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB 25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488

Just remember, brothers and sisters--their skins may be white,
but their souls are just as black as ours!
  -- a black preacher

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


I know this isn't the traditional open source way but what do you think about having lyx tell you the URL for MFAQs? I mean presumably that wouldn't be difficult and would help a lot of newbies and not so newbies. Something along the lines of

[error message]
This is a common problem. Have a look at [URL] to see how to fix it.

Obviously this has the problem of ever changing URLs but if we could agree to have a top level Faq URL that is reasonably stable (or a caveat saying to search from if the link doesn't work) we could just point people there and tell them to search using ctrl+f in their browser. This would at least tell people the problem is well known and is likely to have been solved.


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