>Those interested in adding gnuplot eps files to lyx/latex documents
>should consider the egplot package. 

Thanks for the pointer.  I looked into it and I think I'll stick to LyX 
External Material.  For what it's worth, my reasons are:

1. Egplot's major advantage over simply running gnuplot and creating
   *.eps files is that egplot's LaTeX in-line text is more likely to
   be considered by the author for updating.

   The risk that the author will forget to update doesn't concern me.
   What concerns me is the possibility that the gnuplot file will get
   updated and the *.eps file (or *.txt file) won't.  The LyX
   External Material feature makes sure that can't happen.

2. LyX External Material is a standard feature of LyX, and egplot
   requires that all the people working on my current document
   project with me go get LaTeX and (maybe also LyX) packages from

   I'm still trying to get some of the diehards to give up on doing
   our project in Word!  I don't want them to have to streach until
   they've all bought the program.

3. Encapsulated PostScript may not be enough.  One of LyX's PDF output
   generators (pdflatex, I think) requires *.pdf graphics files.  If
   we export to HTML, I'm told all graphics files should be converted
   to *.png format.

   I don't think LyX can automatically generate *.pdf and *.png files
   yet, like it does *.eps and *.txt files for External Material, but
   it has to be going in that direction, and its documentation file
   makes it clear dgplot isn't.

Again, thanks for the pointer.  More relevent information is always better.
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