On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, Dave Tweten wrote: >Has someone come up with template verbiage for gnuplot that I can just
I guess you don't have exactly this in mind but maybe this is useful for somebody else, here's the keywords for archive: plotting external data with gnuplot The Gnuplot script below can be executed in batch with "gnuplot file.txt". It reads files "data1.txt" and "data2.txt" which should contain X-Y pairs which one wants to plot like this: 12 30 15 35 20 40 (ie. very simple). The points are drawn from both files into the graph and then an approximated line is drawn through the points. Finally the image is saved into an "koe.eps" file which could be imported into lyx. In my opinion the Gnuplot commands are a bit tricky, so I hope this helps someone. Specifically without the "set output /dev/null" in the beginning I didn't get it to work right. set terminal dumb set output '/dev/null' set ylabel "ylabeltext" set xlabel "xlabeltext" set key right bottom plot [*:*] [*:*] 'data1.txt' notitle with points pt 1 replot 'data1.txt' smooth csplines title 'data1label' with lines lt 1 replot 'data2.txt' notitle with points pt 1 set terminal postscript eps set output 'koe.eps' replot 'data2.txt' smooth csplines title 'data2label' with lines lt 2