>My solution for this problem [of having to put "terminal" selection
>gnuplot files in the same directory as gnuplot content files] is a
>script that wraps the call to gnuplot, and adds the necessary
>declaration for output. Usually I enter also a preamble  with some
>of the default values for my drawings. 

I got tired of the problem too, after my previous message.  My solution 
was to take advantage of the fact that I have root access to my 
workstation and a little leverage with the administrators of the other 
guys' workstations.  I moved the ascii.gnuplot file and the eps.gnuplot 
file into $$Sysdir/scripts at the same time I put my expanded 
external_templates file into $$Sysdir.  No more system crutch files in 
user data directories, and I'll just munge the system LyX support files 
again when they get updated.

And, if the LyX External Material feature gets expanded to support *.pdf 
files when exporting through pdflatex, or *.png files for HTML export, 
I'll only have to add the new gnuplot crutch files to one directory.

>Since I sometimes use long data files for graphics this is not always
>handy [to put all data and all gnuplot commands but terminal selection
>into the same file]. 

But it is necessary if you want to get LyX to enforce consistency between 
gnuplot files and plot results files (*.eps, *.txt, and maybe eventually 
*.png and *.pdf).  LyX will only look at your gnuplot file.  If it refers 
to some other file for the data and you change the data, LyX can't tell.  
If everything is in one file, anytime the file changes, LyX makes sure the 
plot results file changes too.

>With the wrapper you don't need to use inset external. You can gnuplot to
>the graphic supported formats. :-) 

My guess is that's not strictly true if you need *.eps sometimes, *.txt 
for ASCII export sometimes, and in a hoped-for future, *.pdf and *.png on 
occasion.  Keeping the gnuplot file and the graphics result 
file-of-the-day in sync sounds to me like a headache.  LyX External 
Material should take care of it for you, behind the scenes.
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