According to "Customizing LyX: Features for the Advanced User," section 6.2,
"As bundled, LyX comes with predefined tamplates for Xfig figures, Dia diagrams, various raster format images, gnuplot, and more." Not so I would notice. It also says, "Furthermore, it is possible to roll your own template to support a specific kind of material." I need to use gnuplot, but the standard template that comes with LyX 1.3.3 (at least as it appears in the FreeBSD ports collection) supports only raster images, Xfig, chess diagrams, and the date utility. No gnuplot. Has someone come up with template verbiage for gnuplot that I can just copy, or will I have to figure out the syntax well enough to roll my own? Thanks. -- M/S 258-5 |1024-bit PGP fingerprint:|[EMAIL PROTECTED] NASA Ames Research Center | 41 B0 89 0A 8F 94 6C 59| (650) 604-4416 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000| 7C 80 10 20 25 C7 2F E6|FAX: (650) 604-4377 Not an official NASA position. You can't even be certain who sent this!