At I found 
this example (A Logo With Text), but I can't seem to make it work:

\put(-8,+8.5){#1}% the logo for the left side
%\put(8,+8.5){#1}% the logo for the right side
\put(-7,9){\parbox[b]{5cm}{\Large \centering #2}}
%\put(3,9){\parbox[b]{5cm}{\Large \centering #2}}% text for the rightside

I invoke it by using an ERT and writing \mylogo{/home/tarvydas/logo.jpg}{Paul 

The text gets printed, but not the logo.  Am I invoking the \mylogo command 
correctly?  [If not, can you please give me the correct syntax for naming the 
.jpg file within the command call?].


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