Paul Medwell wrote:

> If no-one has wanted to make suggestion, I'm prepared to have a stab
> in the dark.....
> First step: try adding just text to the header/footer;
> In the preamble use a series of
> \lhead{This is the lefthand of the header}
> \chead{Centre of header}
> \rfoot{Right hand corner of footer}
> cetera
> NOTE: You will need to set to pagestyle to fancy in the document
> settings.
> Step two: Instead of just adding text, try to add a graphic, for
> example;
> \lhead{\includegraphics{temp_graphic.eps}}
> I think that something _like_ this should work.
> Hope this helps.
> Lata,
> Paul
> PS:
> If you get it working, reply to this thread with your code.

It doesn't seem to work with the standard letter class, but the 
koma-script letter class seems quite happy with a graphic in the 
'Name' field.

I'm sure the experts can tweak this any way you want.

See attached.


Attachment: FancyLetter.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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