Andre Poenitz wrote:

>> 2. A weird limitation doesn't allow LyX to open files in
>> directories containing spaces for DVI/PDF viewing "Cannot run
>> LaTeX: The path to the lyx file cannot contain spaces." Why? Isn't
>> this slightly ridiculous?
> Well, spaces have a long standing tradition as argument separator
> etc. So even if it is possible to use in in directory names, many
> programs don't like them. LaTeX is one of them. Best practice is not
> to ask for unnecessary trouble, i.e. don't use spaces in file names.

The problem from a coding point of view is that we just pass the file 
path around as a string "/foo/bar/with spaces/file.eps" and have ad 
hoc code all around the place to handle it. I'm trying slowly to 
encapsulate these strings inside a FileName class so that we only 
have to write code once to handle this sort of mess.

Nonetheless, the real problem is yours. Don't use spaces in file 
paths, period. If you do, you're on your own. (And I'm not talking 
about LyX/LaTeX here. I'm talking about unix in general.)


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