Jean-Pierre.Chretien wrote:

> Sure, but as most of us rely on Imagemagick to do it, why not
> preconfigure the standard preferences to use convert/display/mogrify ?

Shrug. Herbert wrote as a fall back because he got sick of 
adding yet another conversion process to the configure script. If you feel 
up to it, feel free.

> The only idea lying behind is to replace convert
> by any other image converter (e.g. gimp, if you understand how
> batch processing works there) and leave the preferences void,
> so why not both solutions ?

Not true. The idea behind is to provide the compiled LyX 
executable with a hard-coded default converter whilst also providing you, 
the user, with some flexibility. What you do with the script is up to you.

Personally I use different converters for different tasks and am not 
remotely interested in using (Sorry but there it is.) 
I've just spent this time explaining how the process actually works out of 
the goodness of my heart ;-)

> Anyway, why not set the executable bit on in the distrib, at install
> time, for all files in the scripts dir
> (that would be good for lyx2lyx as well) instead of patching ?

The aim is to move to asynchronous conversion using fork() and execvp(). (We 
use it already when converting images for display on LyX's screen). In this 
case we _have_ to run "sh".


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