>>From: Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: image conversion tools
>>Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:36:10 +0000
>>On Thursday 28 August 2003 12:24 pm, Rob Saunders wrote:
>>> This appears to be a problem, at least with my set ups, in the win32(XP
>>> pro)  Qt version as well.  In the same manner as original problem I
>>> cannot convert .bmp to .eps without Lyx running the convertDefault.sh
>>> even though .bmp view well in the gui - So I have given up trying! Now I
>>> just use eps pics only and put up with not being able to view them in
>>> the gui without "error converting to loadable format" etc.
>>> At least all is well in the final output pdf or dvi which is all that
>>> matters to me.
>>You are talking about entirely separate things.
>>LaTeX _requires_ PostScript images.
>>The LyX GUI can render your bitmap images natively.
>>So, you can make a choice:
>>1. Use PostScript images, LaTeX will be happy and LyX will convert them to 
>>something it can render using a user-defined conversion procedure. If you 
>>define nothing it will attempt to use convertDefault.sh which in turn 
>>presumes the existence of ImageMagick's convert.
>>2. Use bitmap images. LyX will be able to render these on the screen, but they 
>>will need converting to PostScript for LaTeX. Again, how this is done is 
>>user-defined. Also again, we default to the use of convertDefault.sh. The one 
>>caveat here is the small bug highlighted by Jean-Pierre; the script must have 
>>its executable bit set. So, either set it or patch the source appropriately.
>>Or, and in my opinion, preferable, don't use convertDefault.sh at all but 
>>define converters from format to format. The preferences dialog makes this 

Sure, but as most of us rely on Imagemagick to do it, why not
preconfigure the standard preferences to use convert/display/mogrify ?
In fact there is no such thing as standard preferences, but
the file is created by reconfigure, so I found more practical to
run it as plain user, tune it and copy it back in the sharable dir
(in fact, I copy the preferences of the previous lyx install).

The only idea lying behind convertDefault.sh is to replace convert
by any other image converter (e.g. gimp, if you understand how
batch processing works there) and leave the preferences void,
so why not both solutions ?

By the  way, in the patch in inset graphics you mentioned, 
wouldn't it be better to protect the argument of sh by single quotes ?

Anyway, why not set the executable bit on in the distrib, at install
time, for all files in the scripts dir
(that would be good for lyx2lyx as well) instead of patching ?

Once you know about it, you can manage, that's just
to clean things up...


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