> > It would be nice, but I don't know if it should be a priority. If you're making a document wich needs a long glossary, it's pretty vital. In my document for ewxample i need to define all sorts of accronyms, PC, MPG, NPC, and a whole heap more.
> > 3.- Spellchecker. A "replace all" button would be nice. > > It would not, IMHO. I have rceived student essays on Plato where > every instance of the philosopher's name was spelt "plateau", not to > mention a paper on the famous political philosopher "Thomas Hobbies". > OK, these were problems between chair and keyboard, but I still feel > that "replace all" is for editing programs, not text documents. > Though I suppose in a case like yours, where you're dealing with very > long texts, it would be useful. very useful. My spelling is really bad. I might have a word spelt incorrectly 300 times in my docment. Clicking once is a lot easier than having to click 300 times ;) >>Table sorting.. > That would be nice, I agree. For anything requiring lots of data to > format, I tend to use OpenOffice (particularly because it has > reasonably good integration with spreadsheets and databases). I > imagine that for the mathematicians and scientists who make up the > hardcore of LaTeX users, ability to do more with table data would be > even more useful. > Yes, agreed. > > 5.- Users *should* be able to fine tune *all* the details about the > > typesetting. Boxing users in so they can only use what *you* think > > is good type setting is (IMHO) plain silly. I personally can't find > > any styles in the pretty small style list which exactly matches the > > style i need. I should be able to set everything, like the > > whitespace above and below titles, whether > > chapters/sections/subsections start on a new page, whether tables > > are set out on a seperate page, and a whole lot more. Again, forcing > > users to use *your* style of typesetting just makes users unhappy > > with the results. > > The use of "your" here is misleading. The LyX developers do not set > the paragraph environments, they come from whoever writes the LaTeX > styles. > A style editor would be a nice feature, but it would also be a lot > of > work. Yeah, ok, maybe "your" was not the right word. and perhaps tuning all the features is also a bad idea. However, tuning some of the more important ones shouldn't be too hard, surely? things like section numbering style, font size and type & indent for the different sections... > BTW, I'm sure that if a benevolent millionaire were to pay a team of > LyX developers to implement every feature request anyone has come up > with here or on Bugzilla, someone would write in to complain about LyX > being bloated and say there is a need for a lightweight front-end to > LaTeX ;-) > If i were a benevolent millionaire i probably would. Unfortunately, I'm a very poor student ;) -- Thomi Richards, [EMAIL PROTECTED]