Robin wrote:

BTW, I'm sure that if a benevolent millionaire were to pay a team of LyX developers to implement every feature request anyone has come up with here or on Bugzilla, someone would write in to complain about LyX being bloated and say there is a need for a lightweight front-end to LaTeX ;-)

And I would probably be one of them.

Most of my grizzles about difficult things that I need to do are not related to lyx but some of the programs it calls on so are out of the hands of the lyx developers.

For example

1. why latex hasn't implemented the \imaslackpricksodomyphdthesisforme function is beyond me

2. .bst files s&*t me. The whole stack concept reads if it was meant to be implemented on a HP RPN calculator except every second character is a bracket or comma

anyway Im happy with what I get particuarly as its free.

I like the open source concept but im still waiting for open hardware. For example CPUs that you can make in your microwave out of sand and a can of tuna

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