1. Is there a way to make the vectors in lyx on screen in bold style, e.g., \boldsymbol{} or \bm{} while still using \vec{} ?
If you settle for another name like \v or so:
Create a math macro \v with one arg, defined as \vec{#1}. In the second blue box write \mathbf{#1}. This second box is for appearance in LyX only, i.e. it does not matter what you write in there as long as it looks ok.
Where do I do that? I am not that familiar with Lyx yet!
2. Can I configure the font for the large parentheses? On my Mac it looks kinda ugly!
The parantheses on screen are 'hand drawn'. There is no font involved.
That would be a few nice improvement:
A.) Take nice fonts for the arrows on the vectors, and the parentheses and
replace the handcoded stuff by good fonts.
B.) Make the integrals bigger or make two integral types! The current
integrals look like the inline type in latex and not like the good
big ones.
3. Why are the subscript characters in a_b so low? Is that due to the version of the QT?
No. Something between a bug and a feature. It's easier to click at things
if there is a bit more space in some places and in this particular place it
would not be easy to remove the 'extra' space.
Hmm, that would also be a thing I would prefer not to see ... when I put
effort into porting lyx to Mac, then I also want to show it to people and say:
hey it looks and works better than word. That part is good about texmacs
(which I hate for many other reasons) --- the equations look awesome!