Roberto Hernandez wrote:

> \begin{sidewaysfigure}[ht]
> \caption{Bloques de STFT\label{fig:stft_bloques}}
> \end{sidewaysfigure}
> BTW, the [ht] after sidewaysfigure doesn't seem to be working correctly. 
>  From what I understand, the figure should be included right here and if 
> that's not possible at the top of the next page. Since sidewaysfigures 
> are always on a page of their own, I thought specifying [ht] would 
> insert the figure on the page that comes after the ERT listed above, but 
> that doesn't happen.

have a look at the docs of package rotating how you can pass
options to the pckage graphicx. The environment sidewaysfigure
has no options, as far as i remember.



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