Dekel Tsur wrote: > On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 07:02:11PM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote: > >>On Tuesday, 5. March 2002 17:37, Roberto Hernandez wrote: >> >>>I have some very large figures to include in a document. What I'd like >>>to do is include them in a page of their own in landscape format (the >>>images are such that width > height), but the rest of the text is in >>>portrait format. They need to be in a float so I can include a caption. >>>Any tips on how to do this? >>> >>use packages lscape and nonfloats. >>Also have a look at >> >> > > No, it is better to use the sidewaysfigure env. from rotating.sty
Thank you, this is exactly what I need. I also tried Herbert's suggestion with the "lscape" package. Both work well, but there is one problem I haven't been able to solve. The caption for the figure is printed outside the page margins. If I include the caption over the figure, then it is printed outside the left margin. On the other hand if I include the caption below the figure, it is printed outside the right margin. I am using the koma-script book style, single-sided and the geometry package to change the default margins. Any suggestions? Thanks again, Roberto