On Tuesday 05 March 2002 20:02, Herbert Voss wrote:
> On Tuesday, 5. March 2002 17:37, Roberto Hernandez wrote:
> > I have some very large figures to include in a document. What I'd like
> > to do is include them in a page of their own in landscape format (the
> > images are such that width > height), but the rest of the text is in
> > portrait format. They need to be in a float so I can include a caption.
> > Any tips on how to do this?
> use packages lscape and nonfloats.
> Also have a look at
> http://www.lyx.org/help/floats/nonFloat.php3

I dream of a super-LyX with it's own TeX-spider which will constantly check 
CTAN for packages which it thinks I might find useful and, based on what I'm 
trying to do, include whichever one is most important.  There again, by that 
time, AI will probably have advanced to the point where I can say to LyX 
2030, "Hey, you remember that conversation I was having with Larry about 
categorisation and phenomenology?  Write it up as a paper and send it off to 
_Cognitive Linguistics_ would you?"



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