Rodney K wrote:

>I'm a newbie to Lyx and I just typed my first letter but I need to print out 
>an envelope for that letter. I have downloaded icon and the envelope.icn 
>file, and converted it to a program. Can someone enlighten me on how I can 
>export ASCII to a program? I am running Lyx 1.1.6fix3. I have looked in the 
>user's guide and I have not been able to find anything on this Help!

given I understood your message well, that you intend to export a file 
from LyX to another program in ASCII, you just have to do a little thing 
like this:

Given your file is loaded  file-> export-> ASCII in Lyx, thats it!

Last but not least: A simple description is found in the tutorial, 
chapter 5. Another good adress for further inqiuries is Herberts superb 
homepage (url found at!) giving explantion of different 
conversion types from and too LyX.

Hope this helps


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