On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 11:08:20PM +0200, Klaus Vink Slott wrote:
> Compiler? I'm sorry, but I dont have the time to fiddel around trying to
> compile software. When I try such things I alwais seem to end up with
> error messages that I dont understand. I do think that it is a "must" to
> have precompiled binaries for basic users like me not capable to review
> lot of compiler warnings.
this is means we need someone with RH7.1, who can build RPMs for it ...
> I tried Lyx on my previus RH6.2 system and I did like it. I apreciate
> the great amount of work others have put into it and I hope some day
You can also build using rpm -bb from the src.rpm.
Then it can be contributed pack to Kayvan's site ...
"I'd rather be rudely informed than politely left in the dark."