"Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Klaus Vink Slott wrote:
> > Is it possible to get Lyx working on a RH 7.1 using rpm packages?
> Yes, it is possible. You need to use the right xforms version (not
> the one they provide) and the right compiler. It *does* work.
Compiler? I'm sorry, but I dont have the time to fiddel around trying to
compile software. When I try such things I alwais seem to end up with
error messages that I dont understand. I do think that it is a "must" to
have precompiled binaries for basic users like me not capable to review
lot of compiler warnings.
I tried Lyx on my previus RH6.2 system and I did like it. I apreciate
the great amount of work others have put into it and I hope some day
somebody will build a set of binaries for RH7.1. Until then I will find
another way to get my work done. ..And I certanly look forward to a Qt
based version ;-)
Klaus V. Slott