On Sat, 28 Jul 2001, Klaus Vink Slott wrote:
> Just saw thread about installing lyx on a RH7.1 system. There was a lot
> of messages about RH politics, compare other distributions ect. But I
> saw no messages whith actual help.
> Is it possible to get Lyx working on a RH 7.1 using rpm packages?
> Regards
> Klaus V. Slott
Not only RH is a problem for installing LyX
"Installed" it on FreeBSD 4.3 without any error messages but LyX does
not work correctly, all sub-classes are missing.
Cannot install on Slackware 7.1 either. ./configure complains about
not finding a file called "forms.h" but it's there! in /lib with
symlinks from /usr/lib and /usr/local/lib.
Hm, think I will go back to LyX 1.1.4. What a hassle!