
> I noticed the same problem when printing gs6.x generated 
> pdf files to 
> postscript and non-postscript printers with acrobat reader > in Windows. 
> The minus symbols were present on-screen though! No 
> problems with 
> printing to postscript printers under Linux. 

Every system is different. Without the '-Ppdf' the minus symbols were not present 

> (Converters->Converters), with LyX  1.1.5fix1 this should 
> be possible by defining 
> \dvi_to_ps_command "dvips -Ppdf" 

So is it simply putting this last line into /.lyx/lyxrc?
> With this change, other problems are introduced! For 
> example, 
> fi character sequences in normal text became a pound 
> sterling sign ????
> Conclusion: do not use gs_6.x for distributing LyX 
> generated (through ps2pdf)  acrobat  documents

Yes I also got this ligature problem (fi, ff). But a friend of mine has already found 
the solution.
In the 'config.pdf' file (in my system to be found in 
'/var/lib/texmf/dvips/config/') there is the Letter 'G' which has to be commented out. 
Then the ligatures come as they should and hopefully no other problems arise.

Will see if this ps->pdf thing will become transparent some day.


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