Hi there,
the problem of getting a fine pdf-file out of LyX seems to be one of the
most discussed topics in this mailing lists (hint hint maybe itīs worth a
mini-HOWTO ?).
To avoid people getting frustrated (as it happened to me every now and
then when playing around with ps and pdf-files and ugly fonts and/or ugly
figures ... :-) let me just give some hints you might want to keep in mind:
First of all, donīt use ghostscript > 6.0 (buggy, doesnīt treat ps-figures
Second, dontīt use ghostcript < 5.50 (creates huge pdf-files)
As far as I have tested it, ghostcript 6.0 does a quite good job: it allows
you to use other fonts than the standard or pslatex ones; for example,
"newcent" works fine for me.
Export your LyX-file to postscript; after that, use "ps2pdf your_ps_file.ps
your_pdf_file.pdf" to convert the postscript file to a pdf file (this can
be replaced by configuring Edit -> Preferences -> tab page
Formatkonvertierung, sorry, I donīt know the english label for it, I use
the german localization)
If you want to have informations like "author", "Document title" to be
appeared in Acrobat Readerīs File -> Document info and if you want to use
links in your pdf file, put the following line into your LaTeX preamble
(Layout -> LaTeX preamble)
\usepackage[ps2pdf, pdftitle={your favorite document title},pdfauthor={the
where linkcolor is the color in which links should be displayed,
linktocpage donīt use the whole toc-entry as a link but only the page
number (for more options have a look at the hyperref documentation)
Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
- chief concept & design developer -
speed2web GmbH Germany
FON: +49 921 99 00 86 12
FAX: +49 921 99 00 86 70
Herbert Voss
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] To: Wolfgang Kilian
Sent by: Subject: Re: thanks and
05/29/01 09:49 PM
Wolfgang Kilian wrote:
> Now I have the problem that I have to convert the document into several
pdf files (each chapter as a separate file). I've started with 'tex2pdf'
(latest version) but this brings a corrupt
first choose a break after 75 characters in your mail ...
every chapter starts at a new page, so you can
save them with ghostview in a ps-file (behind
than use ps2pdf <your ps-file>
in latex use layout->doxument->character font->pslatex.
than you don't need any usepackage in the preamble.