I have a two lyx versions, a rather old v2.3.7 and a newer v2.4.3 one,
running on to different linux machines.
I am looking at one and the same lyx file on both machines, using a
revtex 4.2 document class. I believe(hope) that I have set all lyx
document settings and lyx prefs identical on both machines.
Yet, there is a significant difference between the documents on the two
machines regarding editing the bibliography item settings within a plain
bibliography section at the end of the document.
a) In the v2.3.7 a window with two boxes, i.e., "Key" and "Label" pops
up. There, adding *only* a key, renders the "OK", "Apply", "Close"
buttons of this popup clickable. Clicking "OK" is then sufficient to
generate the bibitem and, most important, it will produce a simple
\bibitem{key} in any latex export of the lyx file.
b) In the v2.4.3 a much more involved window pops up, with boxes for
"Key", "Author Names", "Year", "All Author Names". In this popup it is
*not* sufficient to enter only a key to have the the "OK", "Apply"
buttons clickable. For me, the only way to cheat the system to get "OK",
"Apply" buttons clickable, is to enter a space in "Year". Weirdly
however, will produce an unwanted \bibitem[( )]{key} in any latex export
of the lyx file, in which the empty labels [()] have to be removed in
the end.
This behavior of the v2.4.3 is awkward for me. Is there a way to get
back to the simple behavior of the v2.3.7? Thx.
PS.: Using other than revtex's own bibliography internals is not an
option for me.
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