On Wed, Dec 18, 2024 at 12:16 PM Andreas Plihal via lyx-users
<lyx-users@lists.lyx.org> wrote:
> Dear community,
> on your advice, I have removed all the color boxes in my KOMA book and 
> replaced them with "theorems". I chose the mdframed package for this. It 
> works very well!

The mdframed package is not maintained anymore, for future projects
consider the tcolobox package, and maybe also the keytheorem package
instead of thmtools.

> Now I would like to display a list of all theorems. However, the mdframed 
> documentation doesn't say anything about this. After an intensive google 
> search, I suspect that I should also use the thmtools package. But I can't 
> make sense of the documentation. I don't know how to “marry” the two packages 
> so that I only get a simple list. Under no circumstances do I want to change 
> all my definitions that I made based on the mdframed package.

All the theorem environments are defined very similarly, in such
situations it is easier to create a macro that defines them, it
removes all the repetitions in the code, and it is much easier to
change things.

> The command
> \listoftheorems
> creates a heading, but nothing else.

The thmtools package only considers theorems defined with the
\declarethorems command for the list of theorems.

> Can anyone please help me here?

Maybe the attached example will help. It is a bit of a hack so you
will be able to use the modules that come with LyX, but it is probably
preferable to create your own module. Section 5.3 of the Customization
manual describes how to do that.


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