Dear community,
on your advice, I have removed all the color boxes in my KOMA book and replaced them with "theorems". I chose the mdframed package for this. It works very well!
Now I would like to display a list of all theorems. However, the mdframed documentation doesn't say anything about this. After an intensive google search, I suspect that I should also use the thmtools package. But I can't make sense of the documentation. I don't know how to “marry” the two packages so that I only get a simple list. Under no circumstances do I want to change all my definitions that I made based on the mdframed package.
The command
creates a heading, but nothing else.
Even when I specify the command a little more precisely, like this:
\listoftheorems[title={Verzeichnis aller Sätze},ignoreall,show={stz}]    or
\listoftheorems[title={Verzeichnis aller Sätze},ignoreall,_onlynamed_={stz}],
the list remains empty.
Can anyone please help me here?

Attachment: Layout - mdframed2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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