On 12/18/24 5:15 AM, Andreas Plihal via lyx-users wrote:
Dear community,
on your advice, I have removed all the color boxes in my KOMA book and
replaced them with "theorems". I chose the *mdframed *package for
this. It works very well!
I suspect that what was being suggested was that you use actual theorem
environments, as provided by e.g. the amsthm package, not home cook your
own using some other sort of package. Packages like thmtools allow for
almost complete customization of how these environments are formatted.
They also assume you are using some standard theorem package. All the
examples show \usepackage{amsthm}. So the reason your list of theorems
is empty is that there are no environments in in your document that are
recognized as theorems.
Honestly, though, if you have going to use as much ERT as you are in
that file, it's not clear to me why you don't just use pure LaTeX. At
that point, LyX is just getting in the way.
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