
here is the debug message output with category files enabled on my system 
(macOS, LyX

10:17:22.971: Inserting document 
10:17:23.050: Document [tabletemplates/Formal_without_Footline_1x2.lyx] 
inserted.support/TempFile.cpp (35): Temporary file in 
support/TempFile.cpp (38): Temporary file 
BufferParams.cpp (324): Checking whether document is in a system dir... yes
Buffer.cpp (5843): Clearing include list for 
support/FileName.cpp (629): Checksumming 
 2773264552 lasted 0 ms.
Buffer.cpp (5843): Clearing include list for 

I saved the empty tabletest.lyx file before, did a reopen and an insert-table 
with the toolbar button.

So, it works on mac. The same happens if I create an empty tabletemplates 
directory in my user dir. The culprit seems to be the fact that the table 
template path is empty in Andrews log.


> Am 17.11.2024 um 00:42 schrieb Andrew Parsloe <ajpars...@gmail.com>:
> On 17/11/2024 10:20 am, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 11/16/24 12:40 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>>> Am Samstag, dem 16.11.2024 um 12:18 -0500 schrieb Richard Kimberly
>>> Heck:
>>>> I just created a new user directory on Linux, and those folders are
>>>> not there, either:
>>> User directory does not matter, really. The problem is in the _system_
>>> directory (on Windows, as it were).
>> My understanding was that the files are present in the system directory on 
>> Windows, and that the crash happens unless the tabletemplates/ folder is 
>> copied from the system directory to the user directory, with its contents.
>> I did just notice that there's an unused variable in 
>> GuiTabularCreate::getFiles:
>>             QString relpath = toqstr(makeRelPath(qstring_to_ucs4(fn),
>>                                  qstring_to_ucs4(dir)));
>>             if (styleCO->findData(data) == -1)
>>                 styleCO->addItem(guiname, data);
>> The relpath variable is not used. Should it be? The same is true in 
>> GuiDocument::getTableStyles.
>> Riki
> I've attached three debug panel displays. I created an empty file 
> E:\tabletest.lyx with FormalwithoutFootline set as the table style. I then 
> set the debug panel to display messages with only the 'action'  category set 
> and tried to insert a table with the toolbar button, only the 'files' 
> category set and ditto, and only the gui category set and ditto. Are there 
> other categories of debug messages that would be of interest?
> Andrew
> <action_debugmsg.png><files_debugmsg.png><gui_debugmsg.png>-- 
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