Am Montag, dem 18.11.2024 um 22:22 +1300 schrieb Andrew Parsloe:
> Yes The system directory is at
> C:\Users\ajpar\AppData\Local\Programs\LyX 2.4
> with a space before 2.4; the user directory is at
> C:\Users\ajpar\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.4
> without a space. This presence & absence of a space has been the
> pattern 
> for as long as I can remember. (I have a faint memory trace of it
> having 
> been explictly discussed on the list long ago.)
> > Also, does it work if you enter manually in the minibuffer (M-x):
> > 
> > tabular-style-insert Formal_with_Footline 3 3
> No. This immediately causes a SIGSEGV.

Good. This all supports my hypothesis, and I think this will be fixed
with d42a300dfe26 in master.

@Riki, this should also go to stable.

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