I have Mac OSX 14.5. I have the latest version of MacTex installed.

I have tried Lyx 2.4.0 RCx a couple of times but gave up because somethings were not working correctly. I was hoping that the release version would have some of the issues solved, but alas is did not. The issues I have come across are:

(1) I have Lyx files that are fine under 2.3.7/8 and will not compile under V2.4.0.  I get strange errors from the Tex compilation related to font issues and the compilation aborts with an overflow of memory. This does not occur on all files, but only on some.

(2) The reverse search from the Skim previewer does not work on V2.4.0 (at all as far as I can see).  The forward search from Lyx to Skim does work.

(3) There is inconsistency on rendering the maths equations in the Lyx interface -- sometimes they will not render at all and stay in the blue editing mode colout, sometimes they will render to the black mode, but the size is not the same as the size of the fonts set in the interface. They are much smaller. On some files they render OK. Incidentally I am using the Euclid font as the font in the interface.

(4) The positioning of display equations in the Lyx interface is to the left. The equation label font is very big and pushes the equations to the left.

V2.3.8 has none of the above issues, therefore the Mac environment appears to be OK.





Robert Betz
E: robertbe...@gmail.com
M: +61419249948
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