Oups. I replied only to Steve. My message is at the end. 

Début du message transféré :

> De: Murat Yildizoglu <myi...@gmail.com>
> Date: 29 octobre 2022 à 18:58:45 UTC+7
> À: Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com>
> Objet: Rép. : MWE: two issues need resolving
>> Le 29 oct. 2022 à 18:45, Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> a écrit :
>> I'm taking the unusual step of top-posting because my comments pertain
>> to the entirety of Rich's post...
>> Rich, this was not a quality MWE. The map's PDF had a hard-coded path
>> that needed to be erased. Your bibliographies failed because you didn't
>> include ../jabrefdb.bib, or at least it didn't exist on my computer.
>> Given that your complaints didn't seem to involve your bibliography, it
>> would have made our lives easier if you'd removed your bibliography
>> reference, and also if your MWE operated from files in one directory,
>> and you tested to make sure only the asked-about problems were in the
>> MWE.
>> After taking the time to remove hard coded paths, get rid of your
>> bibliography entry (because no ../jabrefdb.bib), and set your
>> bibliography back to Bibtex(Basic), it compiled on my LyX Version
>>, and by clicking your map image and checking the "scale
>> graphics" box and putting a number in the field to its right, I was
>> able to scale the map, on the resulting compiled PDF, to any size I
>> wanted to, including 75%, which didn't page feed.
>> If your LyX version is later than then maybe the version change
>> accounts for your image scaling trouble. Otherwise, go back and make
>> your MWE a real MWE and keep narrowing it down until you find the root
>> cause.
>> SteveT
>> Steve Litt 
>> Summer 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times
>> http://www.troubleshooters.com/bookstore/thrive.htm
>> Rich Shepard said on Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:32:18 -0700 (PDT)
>>> The figure will not resize. Originally at 75% text width I tried to
>>> make it smaller so it wouldn't be on a page by itself, but even at 25%
>>> it stays the same size when I compile the document. Also, I modified
>>> the caption and the change is not shown in the compiled .pdf. Perhaps
>>> this is related to the next issue:
>>> Compiling the document produces errors that the old-format, '\sc', is
>>> no longer valid, but the error points to a PDF stored in JabRef. I've
>>> no idea where pdflatex finds that code in a .pdf file.
>>> Not a fun start to Friday. The .lyx file, .pdf image, and .pdf article
>>> are available (for 5 days) from
>>> <http://www.fileconvoy.com/dfl.php?id=g258e05271f382a1e1000460491172b957e2f9f6e09>
>>> as the 2+Mb file is too large for the mail list.
>>> TIA,
>>> Rich
> I don’t see any issues with the graphic. I was able to scale it and see it in 
> the compiled PDF, without any modification. I use MacTex. 
> Your article has probably some issues that imped you from compiling it with a 
> more recent latex installation. Since it does not compile, you don’t see the 
> updated figure with the new scale.
> In this case you should look at the full log file, there must be some error 
> messages (if they concern the biblio, they would be in the .blg file if you 
> use Bibtex.
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