Am Montag, den 25.11.2019, 11:22 -0500 schrieb Daniel Gómez Martínez:

Some time ago I made some presentations with Beamer and my CV with
modercv class in LyX. LyX used to work just fine with those classes
(although I think those were working with LyX 2.3.2), but suddenly,
things stopped working.

I've not followed this thread but this caught my eye.

On Slackware-14.2/x86_64, LyX-2.3.3, and TeXLive2019 there are no issues
with beamer presentations or the moderncv class.

What TeX/LaTeX back end are you using? TeXLive has removed the fonts package
and incorporated the fonts in the base package (at least that's the way it
is in the Slackware version). Perhaps you have two font packages competing
with each other: the older ones and the newer ones?

Something to check.



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