Am Montag, den 25.11.2019, 11:22 -0500 schrieb Daniel Gómez Martínez:
> Hello everyone; I'm using Debian and LyX 2.3.3.
> Some time ago I made some presentations with Beamer and my CV with
> modercv class in LyX. LyX used to work just fine with those classes
> (although I think those were working with LyX 2.3.2), but suddenly,
> things stopped working. According to log file, it has something to do
> with the fonts, but I've found no information online to help solve my
> problem, I don't really know what package/config I'm missing now.
> Any help to solve this issue would be greatly appreciated, hereafter
> are the contents of my log file while compiling the Beamer LyX file
> found at "Help -> Specific Manuals -> Beamer", so you can see that
> not even the default Beamer file is compiling for me (I had to save
> that beamer.lyx somewhere else for LyX to actually try to compile it,
> as it seems the default beamer.lyx comes pre-compiled).

I think this has to do with a recent LaTeX update that changes the
handling of path names with non-ASCII characters and spaces. See

I suppose the documents are in a path that consists of such characters
(maybe your surname?). Does the error go away if you move the document
to a patch with ASCII characters only?


PS. We have a fix for this in the development version, but it is not
tested thoroughly yet.

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