On 20.04.19 12:34, Kornel Benko wrote:
Am Samstag, 20. April 2019, 10:57:51 CEST schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
On 19.04.19 08:56, Daniel wrote:
On 2019-04-18 18:03, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
On 18.04.19 17:06, Daniel wrote:
On 18/04/2019 15:51, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
On 18.04.19 10:38, Daniel wrote:
On 17/04/2019 11:23, Daniel wrote:
On 17/04/2019 11:08, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
How would I in the case of multiple authors cite in the pdf
output only 3 followed by /and others/ or /et.al./? Should I do
it in the reference manager (in my case JabRef) or in Lyx? There
in the Latex preamble?


If you are using Biblatex, then the mincitenames=3 option gives
you what you want.


Minimal example attached.

Btw. it is always helpful if you can include a minimal example, so
one does not need to guess what your setup is when answering.

Thanks, Daniel

I have asked in a separate mail for a biblatex template for a book.
I am a bit lost with the requirements. Do you happen to have one or
a link to the Internet?


I am a bit lost with what you are after. What do you mean by "a
biblatex template"?


A template (>file>template) which I can use for starting a book with
biblatex settings.


I see "File > New From Template" on my end. I take it that is what you
yes, well guessed
You can easily create your own template. Just create a new document
and make all the settings you would like to have in your document.
Then save it in the template folder.

/You can easily create your own template/

Sorry, Daniel, /I/ can't do it easily.

Here is what I did:

-Wrote a mail to Springer asking for a Lyx layout file, but no answer so far

-Checked the Springer publisher pages for a layout. There is svvorl.dtx
(a lengthy docu) and svvorl.ins, which gives me tex template files and a
.cls file. To convert it is to a lyx layout file is described in
https://wiki.lyx.org/Layouts/CreatingLayouts and in Help>Customization>ยง5

I thought there is perhaps somebody around who has already used a
svvorl.layout for writing a book for the Springer publisher.

This is completely different question. You are asking for layout here, not 
(template is a lyx-file, layout defines the appearance and offers some 

Don't know about svvorl.layout. But I have a sr-vorl.layout here, maybe it is 
what you want.
It is built over the class sr-vorl.cls


Yes, Kornel, thats the reason I posted another mail. Sorry for it, and sr-vorl.layout is, what I need. I would appreciate, if you could send it. If I get an answer from Springer, I will notify the Lyx User group.



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