I am a bit lost with what you are after. What do you mean by "a
biblatex template"?
A template (>file>template) which I can use for starting a book with
biblatex settings.
I see "File > New From Template" on my end. I take it that is what
you mean.
yes, well guessed
You can easily create your own template. Just create a new document
and make all the settings you would like to have in your document.
Then save it in the template folder.
/You can easily create your own template/
Sorry, Daniel, /I/ can't do it easily.
Here is what I did:
-Wrote a mail to Springer asking for a Lyx layout file, but no answer
so far
-Checked the Springer publisher pages for a layout. There is
svvorl.dtx (a lengthy docu) and svvorl.ins, which gives me tex
template files and a .cls file. To convert it is to a lyx layout file
is described in https://wiki.lyx.org/Layouts/CreatingLayouts and in
Help>Customization>ยง5. For me it is quite complicated.
I thought there is perhaps somebody around who has already used a
svvorl.layout for writing a book for the Springer publisher.
I have changed the subject, since it is a different topic. The multiple
author question is easily solved with a biblatex setting. Therefore a
svvorl.layout for writing a book for the Springer publisher set for
biblatex would be the correct one for me. But I think I could manage
that, if only one with bibtex is available