How would I in the case of multiple authors cite in the pdf output only
3 followed by /and others/ or /et.al./? Should I do it in the reference
manager (in my case JabRef) or in Lyx? There in the Latex preamble?
- multiple authors: cite only 3 Wolfgang Engelmann
- Re: multiple authors: cite only 3 Daniel
- Re: multiple authors: cite only 3 Daniel
- Re: multiple authors: cite only 3 Wolfgang Engelmann
- Re: multiple authors: cite only 3 Daniel
- Re: multiple authors: cite only 3 Wolfgang Engelmann
- Re: multiple authors: cite on... Daniel
- Re: multiple authors: cit... Wolfgang Engelmann
- sr-vorl.layout for Spring... Wolfgang Engelmann
- Re: sr-vorl.layout for Sp... Wolfgang Engelmann
- Re: multiple authors: cit... Kornel Benko