From my keyboard: Just out of interest, nothing more. I have come into the Debian testing stage and LyX:
LyX Version 2.2.0 (Monday, 23 May 2016) Built from git commit hash Library directory: /usr/share/lyx User directory: ~/.lyx/ Qt Version (run-time): 4.8.7 Qt Version (compile-time): 4.8.7 Where the typing showing up on the monitor is slower that the strikes of my fingers of the keyboard. My typing is well ahead of the reveal of character on the screen. [laughing] Also deleting a line with the Backspace key is a bit of a challenge as holding it down carries the cursor back way beyond where it is to stop. :-) Having used Debian testing for some years and LyX only a short time less. Have seen this phenomenon on every occasion of testing when it gets to a certain point. It only happens to LyX and have not been able to isolate the Debian package that gets upgraded which creates this strange effect, but then one day it will disappear. Not a big Be well, Charlie East Gippsland Wildlife Rehabilitators Inc.. -- Registered Linux User:- 329524 *********************************************** In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. -----Yogi Berra *********************************************** Debian GNU/Linux - Magic indeed. -----------------------------------------------------