On 12/13/2015 11:36 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Am Donnerstag 10 Dezember 2015, 10:01:39 schrieb Michael Berger:
Dear friends of LyX,
I am completely lost re the subject and have no better idea left as to
ask for help.
openSUSE 13.2, 64bit, KDE 4.14.9
LyX 2.1.2-1.6
KBibTeX 0.6
LyX server pipe /home/mb39/.lyx/ same in both KBibTeX and Lyx.
I am working on quite a number of similar lyx-documents without facing
this problem.
The example attached is one out of five using biblatex (instead of
bibtex) and all five worked fine for a long time.
For reasons I do not know none of those five works anymore. All in a
sudden I have this deformation out of nowhere. All I am doing on a
regular basis is to keep my system up to date.
So this may have to do with one recent update!?
All my other lyx-documents using bibtex compile just as ever with some
using multiple (up to four) bibliographies.
Note: Scott Kostyshak found Bibtex Errors when compiling the attached
mini example.
Any hint, similar experience?
Please send the complete LaTeX and biber logs (you can access them in LyX via
Document > LaTeX Log. The biber log is in the "BibTeX" section.
Thank you,
Michael Berger
Moin Jürgen,
As for Biber-Log I am not sure whether this is the correct file, sorry.
If it is not, where can I search for it? Or is it contained in the
I am most grateful that you are prepared to attend to my problem.
Meanwhile I have made an update and when this did not help a clear new
installation of openSUSE 13.2 as well - all unsuccessful.
I cannot imagine that it has to do with my file system switch from all
EXT4 to BTRFS for root and XFS for home for everything else runs as
perfectly as before that switch.
I don't exactly remember when I did that. But I think I created the
respective LyX-documents first and did the switch afterwards.
Thanks and cheers,
Michael Berger
[0] Config.pm:425> INFO - This is Biber 1.7 running in TOOL mode
[0] Config.pm:427> INFO - Config file is
[0] Config.pm:428> INFO - Logfile is 'referencs.bib.blg'
[83] biber:252> INFO - === Sun Dec 13, 2015, 19:30:55
[84] Biber.pm:255> DEBUG - Adding 'entry' list 'tool' for pseudo-section 0
[112] Biber.pm:3118> DEBUG - Looking for directly cited keys:
[206] Biber.pm:3130> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'referencs.bib'
[206] Utils.pm:137> DEBUG - Looking for file 'referencs.bib' via kpsewhich
[246] Utils.pm:141> DEBUG - kpsewhich returned error: (Inappropriate ioctl for
[246] Utils.pm:153> DEBUG - Could not find 'referencs.bib' via kpsewhich
[246] Utils.pm:185> ERROR - Cannot find 'referencs.bib'!
[246] Biber.pm:109> INFO - ERRORS: 1
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/TeX Live for SUSE
Linux) (format=pdflatex 2015.12.7) 14 DEC 2015 09:22
entering extended mode
restricted \write18 enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
LaTeX2e <2011/06/27>
Babel <3.9f> and hyphenation patterns for 78 languages loaded.
Document Class: scrartcl 2012/07/29 v3.11b KOMA-Script document class (article)
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(scrartcl) `index=totoc,version=first'.
(scrartcl) If you don't want this, you should simply replace
(scrartcl) usage of option `idxtotoc' by `index=totoc'.
Class scrartcl Info: Switching compatibility level to `first'.
Class scrartcl Info: File `scrsize11pt.clo' used to setup font sizes on input l
ine 1267.
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File: babel.def 2013/05/16 v3.9f Babel common definitions
\l@canadian = a dialect from \language\l@american
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Package: nomencl 2005/09/22 v4.2 Nomenclature package (LN)
\openout3 = `mini_biblatex_oscola.nlo'.
Writing nomenclature file mini_biblatex_oscola.nlo
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(etexcmds) that some package has redefined \expanded.
(etexcmds) In the latter case, load this package earlier.
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Package: pdftexcmds 2011/11/29 v0.20 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO
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Package hyperref Info: Bookmarks ON on input line 4688.
Package: url 2006/04/12 ver 3.3 Verb mode for urls, etc.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \url on input line 5041.
Package hyperref Info: Hyper figures OFF on input line 6295.
Package hyperref Info: Link nesting OFF on input line 6300.
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Package hyperref Info: Link coloring with OCG OFF on input line 6320.
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File: hpdftex.def 2012/11/06 v6.83m Hyperref driver for pdfTeX
Package: rerunfilecheck 2011/04/15 v1.7 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
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For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
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Package: amsopn 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names
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Package: glossary-long 2012/09/21 v3.03 (NLCT)
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Package: csquotes 2011/10/22 v5.1d context-sensitive quotations
File: csquotes.def 2011/10/22 v5.1d csquotes generic definitions
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Package csquotes Info: ... configuration file loaded successfully.
File: csquotes.cfg
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Package: biblatex 2013/07/15 v2.7a programmable bibliographies (PK/JW/AB)
Package: biblatex2 2013/07/15 v2.7a programmable bibliographies (biber) (PK/JW/
Package: logreq 2010/08/04 v1.0 xml request logger
File: logreq.def 2010/08/04 v1.0 logreq spec v1.0
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex default data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-dm.def' found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex style data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'oscola.dbx' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex custom data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-dm.cfg' not found.
Normal \count register pool exhausted, switching to extended pool.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load compatibility code...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-compat.def' found.
File: blx-compat.def 2013/07/15 v2.7a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load generic definitions...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.def' found.
File: biblatex.def
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load natbib compatibility...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-natbib.def' found.
File: blx-natbib.def 2013/07/15 v2.7a biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'oscola'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'oscola.bbx' found.
File: oscola.bbx 2013/05/23 v1.2 Biblatex bibliography style for OSCOLA standar
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'authortitle'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authortitle.bbx' found.
File: authortitle.bbx 2013/07/15 v2.7a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'standard'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard.bbx' found.
File: standard.bbx 2013/07/15 v2.7a biblatex bibliography style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'oscola'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'oscola.cbx' found.
File: oscola.cbx 2013/05/23 v1.2 Biblatex citation style for OSCOLA standard
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'verbose-inote'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'verbose-inote.cbx' found.
File: verbose-inote.cbx 2013/07/15 v2.7a biblatex citation style (PK/JW/AB)
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\cite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\parencite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footcitetext'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\smartcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcites'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\fullcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\footfullcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Redefining '\textcite'.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load configuration file...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex.cfg' found.
File: biblatex.cfg
))) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/tools/multicol.sty
Package: multicol 2011/06/27 v1.7a multicolumn formatting (FMi)
) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/xcolor/xcolor.sty
Package: xcolor 2007/01/21 v2.11 LaTeX color extensions (UK)
File: color.cfg 2007/01/18 v1.5 color configuration of teTeX/TeXLive
Package xcolor Info: Driver file: pdftex.def on input line 225.
LaTeX Info: Redefining \color on input line 702.
Package xcolor Info: Model `cmy' substituted by `cmy0' on input line 1337.
Package xcolor Info: Model `hsb' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1341.
Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1353.
Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356.
Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357.
Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358.
Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359.
Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360.
) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/ulem/ulem.sty
Package: ulem 2012/05/18
) (/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/arcs/arcs.sty
Package: arcs 2004/05/09
Package: relsize 2013/03/29 ver 4.1
Package csquotes Info: Checking for multilingual support...
Package csquotes Info: ... found 'babel' package.
Package csquotes Info: Adjusting default style.
Package csquotes Info: Redefining alias 'default' -> 'english'.
Package biblatex Warning: File 'english-plain.lbx' not found!
(biblatex) Ignoring mapping 'english' -> 'english-plain'.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load language 'english'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'english.lbx' found.
File: english.lbx 2013/07/15 v2.7a biblatex localization (PK/JW/AB)
LaTeX Warning: Unused global option(s):
\openout1 = `mini_biblatex_oscola.aux'.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 75.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 75.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 75.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 75.
LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
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LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 75.
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[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
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(biblatex) and rerun LaTeX afterwards.
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