On 12/04/15 10:17, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
I have not made heavy use of child/master documents so I'm just getting
started with the basics.

If I compile only the child then is the LaTeX preamble still inherited
from the master?


Hi Scott,

  Adding to Richard's reply, I'm using a Master/child system on
a current project,  one that is regularly being updated/amended.

After several trials and tribulations,  have settled on a system
where the Master, is usually loaded while I'm working on one
of the children. This ensures that results of any test compilation
will be controlled by the Master preamble.   Children are treated
as separate units, always finishing with a page break and thus
can be edited, shrunk or enlarged, or even deleted with affecting
 page breaks in another child.  New sections can be added as
needed, just need to alter the list of inclusions in the Master.

When it's ready to release the whole document, Lyx very tidily
 sorts out the numbering for pages, Sections, subs.,  etc.,
and I'm finding it to be an easy way to work.

Tauranga N.Z.

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