Fullwrite was abandoned about 1995 or 2000, sob.  I was not as crazy about
it as Jerry since it was a bugger when doing tables but compared to
something like MS Word it was heaven.

On 20 March 2015 at 04:55, Michael Berger <id...@online.de> wrote:

> On 03/20/2015 08:44 AM, Jerry wrote:
>> On Mar 14, 2015, at 9:56 AM, Robert Susmilch <rob...@susmilch.com> wrote:
>>  This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write and not
>>> micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on about using
>>> citations, bibliography, automatic section and chapter title numbering
>>> that takes care of itself. If I can number an equation and it's
>>> automatic that means the equation numbering can / will change as they
>>> are moved about, added or deleted, etc.
>> I agree, but would stop short of "absurd" and simply say "awkward,"
>> "clumsy," and then I'll stop. It does work. I believe that Microsoft Word
>> and Mathematica require the same sort of tedious labeling, and those are
>> not necessarily good models. I know for a fact that this problem can be
>> handled better because I used the long-gone and much-loved FullWrite
>> Professional for about 10 years, from 1988 to 1998, and it did not require
>> labeling of anything. You simply inserted, as a reference, the current
>> equation number and then FullWrite automatically kept everything up to
>> date. It was just that simple.
>>         And, not trivially, FullWrite had a _graphical_ equation browser,
>> a window of all your (filtered) stand-alone equations, numbered or not, in
>> a scrollable window. Now _that_ was neat. I think I have filed a feature
>> request for LyX but I don't expect anything to happen for a long time.
>> However, LyX has an option to render equations on-screen already (Instant
>> Preview) so it seems that the hard part of a graphical browser has already
>> been done.
>>         With a graphical browser, one could assign nonsense labels (AA,
>> AB, AC, ... or just 1, 2, 3, ...) and use the graphical browser to find the
>> one to which you want to insert a reference and just click on the image.
>> That's what you do anyway, only instead of a dedicated graphical browser,
>> you just scroll around in your main document window until you find the
>> equation you want to reference, and that's not efficient or fun.
>> and then...
>> On Mar 15, 2015, at 5:26 PM, David A Case <c...@biomaps.rutgers.edu>
>> wrote:
>>  On Sat, Mar 14, 2015, Robert Susmilch wrote:
>>>> I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such as
>>>> "See equation (3)" in Lyx but everything I read, whether from other
>>>> users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered equations and
>>>> then using the label to cross reference.
>>>> This seems absurd ....
>>> This has been discussed before on this list.  The requirement to have a
>>> label makes good sense: how do you propose to refer to an equation that
>>> does not have a label?  Remember that its number will change as equations
>>> are added or removed, whereas the label will not change.
>>> It seems like you may wish to have a cross reference that says the
>>> following: "refer to the *current* equation (3), and update the number in
>>> the cross reference if the corresponding equation number changes."  This
>>> might be implemented by having LyX create a unique but hidden label for
>>> every numbered equation, and providing some sort of user interface to
>>> refer to it.
>> Nice answer.
>>> For good reasons or bad, this is not the way LyX and latex work.
>> Why do you say this? You just proposed a solution to use the LyX/Latex
>> underpinnings to do that very thing. And that's probably the way FullWrite
>> did it.
>>    Note that
>>> numbered equations are no different in this respect than are numbered
>>> sections, etc.
>>> ....dave case
>>>  Finally (I'll file a ticket for this in due course), a simple
>> improvement of the current system would be to display the labels with more
>> characters than are currently used; currently, so few characters are
>> displayed that one quickly becomes confused about which equation the label
>> belongs to.
>> Jerry
> Dear Jerry and followers of this very issue,
> personally I am happy with LyX's philosophy and think we should not
> over-emphasize such detail.
> Is adding a label really such tremendous effort?
> However, I see the point of some users.
> But could it be that the implementation of "this simple improvement" turns
> out not to be so very simple?
> (see above: For good reasons or bad, this is not the way LyX and latex
> work)
> Now, please have a look at the screen-shot attached.
> It shows an excerpt of André Miede's excellent "classicthesis".
> He created a new type of reference (Insert > Custom Insets > CT-auto
> cross-reference) which can show labels of more characters / words next to
> the number.
> I know, this is not exactly what is being discussed here but it certainly
> goes in that direction.
> And last but not least: users who prefer FullWrite Professional's features
> over those of Lyx may stick to it.
> Cheers!
> Michael

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

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