Robert Susmilch <robert <at>> writes:

> Dear List,
> I have Googled a way to refer to numbered equations in text, such as
> "See equation (3)" in Lyx but everything I read, whether from other
> users or wikis, suggests labeling the already numbered equations and
> then using the label to cross reference.
> This seems absurd given that Lyx purports to free you to write and not
> micromanage things like this. The tutorial goes on and on about using
> citations, bibliography, automatic section and chapter title numbering
> that takes care of itself. If I can number an equation and it's
> automatic that means the equation numbering can / will change as they
> are moved about, added or deleted, etc.
> So can this be done? Have I failed Google 101? I'm running Lyx 2.1.3.
> If it can't be done then really, what's the point?
> Respectfully,
> Robert Susmilch

I would not say that it "cannot be done" (I have no idea of rewriting code).
But I think numbering equations and referencing these equations to in the
body text of the document are two entirely different things by
comprehension. And if you could agree to this you might as well be prepared
to agree that things are just fine as they are.
Cheers and a big Bravo to LyX and its developers!


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