On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 09:53:19PM -0800, Dave Tweten wrote:

> This time, I need for both the original footnote and the \footnoteref to be in 
> section headings.  In spite of adding \protect's everywhere I can think to do 
> so, I'm left with the following LaTeX error at the \footnotemark:
>       Missing number, treated as zero.
>       ...ect\footnotemark[\protect\ref{foot:div}]}
>       A number should have been here; I inserted "0".
>       (If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
>       look up `wierd error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
> "Wierd error" indeed.  I protected the original footnote in its section 
> heading.  I protected the label within the footnote.  I protected the 
> footnotemark in its section heading, and I protected its optional reference 
> argument.  My previous experience is that a \ref to a label in a previous 
> footnote will produce the number footnotemark needs.
> Is this just not possible, or can someone show me how to get what I'm looking 
> for?

You should put protect _only_ before \footnotemark, namely

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