In previous situations, I've been able to use the LaTeX "\footnoteref" command
with a Lyx reference to a label in another footnote, with no problems. Not
surprisingly, the result is a second mark pointing to the same footnote.
This time, I need for both the original footnote and the \footnoteref to be in
section headings. In spite of adding \protect's everywhere I can think to do
so, I'm left with the following LaTeX error at the \footnotemark:
Missing number, treated as zero.
A number should have been here; I inserted "0".
(If you can't figure out why I needed to see a number,
look up `wierd error' in the index to The TeXbook.)
"Wierd error" indeed. I protected the original footnote in its section
heading. I protected the label within the footnote. I protected the
footnotemark in its section heading, and I protected its optional reference
argument. My previous experience is that a \ref to a label in a previous
footnote will produce the number footnotemark needs.
Is this just not possible, or can someone show me how to get what I'm looking
Thanks in advance for any help (or sympathy).
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