On 16-Aug-00 Bruce Veidt wrote:
> Guido Milanese wrote:
>> I installed the excellent bibliography manager called
>> "tkbibtex". It works very well, and was able to digest a big
>> file with about 1000 entries. I have a problem with this
>> bibliographic manager + LyX. I think I did what is required
>> for
>> the setup of the pipe to and from LyX:
>> -- added
>> \serverpipe "/home/guido/.lyxpipe"
>> to my .lyxrc file;
> Is /home/guido/.lyxpipe local or is it on a server? You
> cannot
> create pipe-files on a remote filesystem. I had a similar
> problem and my solution was to specify:
> \serverpipe "/tmp/lyxpipe"
> which is local.
Thank you for your kind reply. /home/guido is my home directory
on my computer, so I think this is not the problem. There must
be some mistake either my LyX or in my tkbibtex installation,
because after leaving LyX the two files (in and out) are still
existant, while I believe they should be removed after leaving
the program. Any idea?
E-Mail: Guido Milanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Homepage: http://fly.to/arsantiqua
18-Aug-00 - XFMail on Linux
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