On Wed, 2 Aug 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am a newbie at LyX and I try to write my thesis with it. Therefore I
> have to insert a number of figures into the document. What I found out
> with a simple test document: If I inserted more than 18 floats with
> figures a lot of errors occured. (Missing number treated as zero ...,
> undefined control sequence ... , too many unprocessed floats ...,
> paragraph ended before \@xnext ..., etc.
>From the FAQ (currently 6.2.3):
LaTeX can handle only a limited number of floating elements floating
at a given time. For example, if Figure 4 can't be fit in a good location
(using the default rules of top of the page, then bottom, then a page
of its own) and Figure 5 comes along, they will both continue to float
toward the end of the document until a good location can be found.
If nothing good turns up, they will just be placed at the end of the
document. If there are too many of these, LaTeX overruns a counter
and emits the "too many unprocessed floats" error. This is not a bug
in LaTeX, this is simply too many figures with too little text :-)
The easiest way to work around this is to insert a \clearpage command
somewhere in the document where a pagebreak would be appropriate.
While a pagebreak would simply start a new page, \clearpage processes
all remaining floats, then begins a new page. This may lead to an
unsightly stack of figures in the middle of your document; you may
need to use several \clearpages to make things balance nicely.
Mike Ressler
OK, I'm lame: I don't have my own website ...