Hello out there,
I am a newbie at LyX and I try to write my thesis with it. Therefore I
have to insert a number of figures into the document. What I found out
with a simple test document: If I inserted more than 18 floats with
figures a lot of errors occured. (Missing number treated as zero ...,
undefined control sequence ... , too many unprocessed floats ...,
paragraph ended before \@xnext ..., etc.
I searched the mailing archives but couldn't find anything of interest
about this problem so my question is:
Is there really a limitation of the number of used floats in a document?
Are there work arounds available (split document into chapters, use
other environments ..)?
I would appreciate any comment to this, or let me know, if I have to
change to another typesetting system.
Thank you in advance
Stefan Jung
Head of Department Tribology
Institute for Production Engineering and Forming Machines
Darmstadt University of Technology
Petersenstr. 30
D-64287 Darmstadt
Tel.: 49 (0) 6151 / 16 - 49 15
Fax: +49 (0) 6151 / 16 - 30 21
WWW: http://www.ptu.tu-darmstadt.de