> Hello out there,
> I am a newbie at LyX and I try to write my thesis with it. Therefore I
> have to insert a number of figures into the document. What I found out
> with a simple test document: If I inserted more than 18 floats with
> figures a lot of errors occured. (Missing number treated as zero ...,
> undefined control sequence ... , too many unprocessed floats ...,
> paragraph ended before \@xnext ..., etc.
> Is there really a limitation of the number of used floats in a document?
There is a number of restrictions with default settings. However, if you
put "!" in front of float specifiers (e.g. [!htb]) as described in LyX User
Guide (section, LaTeX will ignore most of them.
> Are there work arounds available (split document into chapters, use
> other environments ..)?
You may try "nofloat" package, it provides caption and numbering similar to
float environment. If you work with LaTeX directly you can use "float"
package with option "H":[1]
"H" means: put exactly where it is if there is enough space or move the
whole thing to the top of next page. When the later case occurs it's up to
you to fill the blank gap.
[1] To use [H] option with figure and table environment, you must first
invoke the command: \restylefloat{figure} and \restylefloat{table}.
Triet H. Lai