>>>>> "Thorsten" == Thorsten Grothe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Thorsten> Hey everybody, I`m a pretty new linux user working with
Thorsten> lyx-1.1.4fix1. I tried to patch it with patch-1.1.4fix2. I´m
Thorsten> using Suse Linux 6.4 so I cannot take the rpm`s. I got the
Thorsten> patch and unzipped it into my Lyx directory. /usr/share/lyx
Thorsten> (using the unzip karchiveur from KDE.)
You have to get the source code of LyX to apply the patch. The
commands should be run in the lyx-1.1.4fix3 source directory, and not
in the LyX data directory (which is created at installation time). And
then you have to recompile LyX (the steps you described) and
re-install it (with "make install").
Are you sure that the RPM's won't work?