Hey everybody, I`m a pretty new linux user working with lyx-1.1.4fix1. I tried to patch it with patch-1.1.4fix2. I´m using Suse Linux 6.4 so I cannot take the rpm`s. I got the patch and unzipped it into my Lyx directory. /usr/share/lyx (using the unzip karchiveur from KDE.) Next I marked the patch, using the KDE Commandline and tried to type: make distclean: No rule or target to make distclean!!! zcat patch-1.1.4fix2.gz | patch -p1 nothing happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! touch Makefile.in */Makefile.in src/config.h.in nothing happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried to find something in the mailing list but I found nothing that could help me. I´m not very used with linux, sorry. Can anybody help me? Thank you Thorsten -- Thorsten Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net