> 1) generate a .pdf version of your figures with 
>   epstopdf file.eps

I never even knew this program existed. Thanks :)

> With a recent tex distribution (teTeX-1.0.*) you can use standard tex cm-fonts 
> since tetex has Postscript Type-1 fonts for them which are used by pdflatex.

> 2) If you use encoding Latin-1 the LyX uses the ecrm fonts for which there are 
> no Postscript Type-1 variants shipped with tetex and hence the fonts look good 
> in ghostscript but bad in acroread. Use standard ps fonts in this case.

I understand teTeX has support for the Postscript fonts, but they don't
seem to be the "default" in that if I take a regular latex file and run it
through pdflatex, I still get the ugly bitmapped fonts. In the past I was
told to put


in the LaTeX preamble in LyX. This works but I cannot choose from
available fonts. Is there a method in LyX or in Latex directly to make use
of the Postscript fonts and be able to choose amongst them?

Thanks for your help.

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